I went to a foreigner/native dinner last weekend. I was super duper late, but it didn't matter because everyone was broken off into their little groups. It was Jarrod, Sonia, Okailey, and a Korean at our table. She was actually one of Okailey's student's mom. Such a small world! We had coffee with her afterwards and we plan on meeting up again soon. I definitely want to go to another one of these dinners to meet more Koreans who can speak English. I invited my co-teacher along as well and she seemed reluctant. She doesn't feel confident with her English, but she's so good! I'm definitely dragging her along next time!

Jarrod, Sonia, and I recently went to Gwangju Park. I saw it in one of my tourist books and it looked rather nice, so we went. It was a way's away, and it wasn't that worth it. We had a mini snack picnic and it wasn't even scenic. At least now I know. However, there was a 5-story pillar thingy. It has some sort of history behind it. Before we went to Gwangju Park, Jarrod and I had to wait for Sonia to arrive, so we went to the Confucian Temple across the way. It was really nice and the volunteer there was really informative. It was a really nice place...such a historic place. It's about 200 years old, I think he said.
Oh! The day before that, I had gone to Mudeungsan by myself. I wanted to go hiking and see Wonhyosa Temple. Jarrod was
supposed to come, but he got out of school late that Saturday. It took me about an hour or an hour and a half to arrive there. I thought it would be a bit of a hike to the temple, but it only took me about 5 minutes because it was really close to where I got dropped off from the bus. That place was gorgeous. It was amazing. I even did a little praying there. I saw it and I thought, "My mom would want me to pray here." It was really nice! After that, I wanted to do some hiking, but it was just paved road connected to more paved roads. Not even a narrow paved road...it was a huge cement road where 2 lanes of cars could drive comfortably. It was not the type of hiking I wanted. I decided to walk it anyway because I had taken so much time to get there. I found a little dirt path and decided to venture off the asphalt. It was really narrow and my legs were being brushed by plants that I continually wished was not poison ivy/something I was allergic to because I didn't bring my antihistamines (though I did find them later in my bag!). As I was walking, I was so in love with the nature. It was amazing to be surrounded by all the green. I was also hearing rustling noises from afar..maybe some birds or small animals. I continued walking along...then I heard a rustle from right next to me! It freaked me out and I let out a girly scream! I would've been embarrassed if people were on this trail; thank goodness no one was there. Then I hurried back because I was hearing a storm coming my way and decided to go back home. That was when I went to the native/foreigner dinner...
Oh last week, Jarrod, Sonia, and I went to Chosun University because they were having a rose festival there. It was cool, but nothing too spectacular. Just like any other rose garden you've ever been to. It was nice though..

Next week, I have my Korean test!! We had the drawing today to see the order in which we are to be tested...and I got lucky #1 out of 17! O_O I'm a bit nervous. Why couldn't I have gotten #2??? Meh, I'll be OK! It won't be the end of the world, and I think I can do pretty decently...I hope! "I'll keep my fingers crossed" as my students would say.
Tomorrow, I will be on my way to a workshop thingy with all the other March/April teachers as well as the September teachers. We are going to Boseong, which is known for their green tea. I'm really excited to be meeting all the other teachers; there are a lot of people I have yet to meet, so it'll be nice! I'm not even looking at this like it's a workshop, it's more like a vacation/getaway.
AND Sonia just purchased our tickets today to see USHER in concert on July 3rd in Seoul!! I'm excited! It cost me a pretty penny, but it's alright! It's his first time playing in Seoul, so I decided that I shouldn't miss it! It'll be killer!
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