On Tuesday, I had Korean class and afterwards, we went to a place called Tequilaz because they were having a Cinco de Mayo event (even though it was really Cuatro de Mayo). I really wanted some nachos, but I think they ran out or something. I did have some chips and salsa though, so that was a nice change from kimchi and rice. We had some beers and chatted. Then some of us headed over to Pump to have some more beer and chat. Why did we go out on a school day, you ask? Well, it’s because we had Cinco de Mayo off! No work that day! Not because it was Cinco de Mayo but because it was Children’s Day! The Koreans celebrate their kids! I reckon they have this day because during the other 364 days of the year, they don’t really see/care/spend time with their children. =/ At least they made a holiday for it.
On Wednesday, we met up at the Lotte Outlets next to the World Cup Stadium and bought some foodss for a picnic at the park. We were all starving and Laurence was leading the way to the park. The longest route possible. I don’t think he ever learned that the fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line. We eventually reached our destination and had our food. Of course, I had my kimbab. So yumz! There were so many cute kids at the park, running around, flying kites. Very adorable to see the families spending time together. After the park, we went to the Pungam Reservoir and walked around a little bit. It’s really pretty; I need to go back to explore the area some more. Then some of us went back to the Lotte Outlets for shopping and the others went to get coffee. We actually got some coffee at the Lotte Outlets too. They have everything in that place. After that, we parted ways and went home! I don’t like it when I make my own dinner. It’s just not as good as having someone else make it for me.
My first class on today went well. I’ve been doing a Jeopardy review game with my 3rd graders because their midterms are next week Monday-Wednesday. During my second class, one girl from the team in the back had chosen a Fill-in-the-Blank question: “What kind of sports do you like to ____?” She answered “play ping pong”. I said no and gave her another chance. “ping pong”. =/ I gave her another chance but she was silent. I started my 10 second countdown and the rest of the class began to join me, loudly. I could see that the girl’s face was turning beet red and when we reached 0, I asked if she had an answer and I could see her just hang her head low. She started to cry!!! I was like, “Oh no!!! Don’t worry!! It’s ok!!” My heart sank; I felt so horrible and I didn’t want her to not like English. When their second turn came around, she was still putting in the effort, so I felt better that she hadn’t given up. After class ended, I talked to her and I was like, “It’s OK, you did good today!” and she waved her hands in a “no” sort of way, like a “I’m fine” and she said, “Thank you, thank you” and she had a smile on her face, so I felt way better at this point. Eek! My first crier!
After school, I went to get a phone with my co-teachers. I finally succeeded in reeling in one! A prepaid one, thankfully. I was afraid I’d have to settle for a one-year contract. That night, I was scheduled to meet with the remainder of the group who didn’t go to the Seoul DJ Festival this weekend. However, my co-teachers asked me if I had any plans for that night and I said yes and I asked why. They said because they wanted to invite me to have dinner with them. I ended up not going to meet my friends and went to have dinner with my coteachers because I needed some bonding time with them. Also because they had helped me with my phone, so I didn’t want to abandon them. It would be rude. So we had Italian food – I had me some CHEESE! It was satisfying. I ended up paying for the dinner because I wanted to treat them out for all their help. It was quite expensive, but compared to home, it wasn’t that bad. After dinner, I went to meet with my friend at Ethnic Café in downtown to have some drinks. We always seem to frequent the same places over and over again. I wanted to venture out and we did that night. We decided to go UP. We tend to go to the ground level places, or even underground, so this time, we looked up to see where our next place would be. I saw Model Bar and wanted to go, but we ended up a few floors higher at Sky Bar? I don’t remember what it’s called. It was ok – I was hoping for a good view, but they blocked it with some sort of ugly balcony and short palm trees. Boo. Hopefully our next discovery is better!
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