1. I've been here for over a MONTH already! A month and 4 days to be exact! So exciting! It doesn't feel like it's been that long, which I think is a good thing. Time is going to fly by like no other.
2. Seeing as that I've been here for over a month, it amazes me that I have still managed to avoid the squat toilets. I am VERY happy about this also. Every time I go into a public bathroom, my heart stops right as I open the stall door because I don't know what to expect on the other side. I am thankful for Western style toilets every time my eyes see one.

3. Couples here really like to wear matching clothes. Every day is like a Sadie Hawkin's Dance or something. I don't only mean matching colors, I mean matching patterns, matching outfits, the whole nine. The guys are so skinny here, they're probably actually wearing the same women's shirt purchased from the same store. It's really bizarre. If you ever lose track of your boyfriend, you can always say, "Have you seen a guy wearing this exact outfit?"
4. The teacher's go to class AFTER the bell has rung. They don't go there just in time for the bell to ring, they get up from their desks after the fact. I find that very strange, but it's cool because it makes the class shorter. Sometimes, it may take upwards to 5 minutes to get to class. It's quite strange. Koreans like to do things at the last minute, which can sometimes be annoying/frustrating. Oh, speaking of teacher's, I don't know if I've talked about this yet, but all the teacher's carry some sort of stick to hit the students with. It's very different than in America, but I guess it works for them. Sometimes, I am tempted to use the stick too. haha
5. The school lunches are REALLY good. I know, I still haven't taken a photo of it yet, but I will today....I will TRY to today.
6. The buses here are really small; they're definitely not like the LA MTA buses. They have rows of 2 seats on each side in the back, but in the front, there are only single seats, which means a lot of the time, you have to stand. I don't like standing in crowded buses. Everyone pushes you and the handles you hold onto aren't stable. It's just a disaster waiting to happen. There are also bus cards that you can purchase for 6000 won. The bus fare is 1000 won and if you buy this bus card (and recharge it with money),the fare is deducted from your card, 950 won. You save 50 won, which doesn't sound like much, but in the long run, you save money because when you transfer buses within the hour, it's FREE! I was excited about that! hahah
Wow, this post must be really boring for you guys. hahah
Alright, I'm gonna end your misery and I will post later about how my week went. :)
it's not boring = >